Cereals – grain and straw

Our current farming operations start with growing cereals, some of the grain is fed to livestock on the farm and some of the straw used for their bedding, the remainder is sold. After the cereals are harvested the remaining stubble is untouched over the winter to provide valuable feeding and breeding ground to wild birds and some of the area is resown to grass.

To Grass – beef and lamb

This gives the soil a break from cereal production and allows for the incorporation of organic matter. As the grass grows the beef cattle and sheep graze on it as they grow to produce some of the finest tasting beef and lamb. The manure from the animals adds natural organic matter back to the soil improving the structure, drainage and health of the ground. Some of grass is conserved during the summer to provide feed in the winter when the cattle are housed inside.

To Manure – natural fertiliser

During this time the manure from the cattle together with the straw from their bedding is stored so that it can be spread on the land in late spring. This ensures the maximum use is made of the naturally occurring macro and micro nutrients from the livestock manure.

Back to cereals and grass

The natural fertiliser and crop rotation provide the optimum conditions for soil condition and plant growth reducing our reliance on artificial fertiliser and mechanical operations.

bwharfeSustainable Rotation